2024 Polish Pickle Run

35th Annual Polish Pickle Run 5K and Kids K
WHEN: Saturday, June 22nd, 8:00 AM for 5K. 8:50 for Kids K. Kicking off Bremond Fest
WHERE: BREMOND, TEXAS (Located halfway between Waco and Bryan)
ENTRY FEE: Early Bird Pricing: $30 before May 31st, $35 before June 15th, $40 week of Race. Registration closes at 7:40 AM on Race Day.
AWARDS: Cash awards of $100, $80, $70 given to the top 3 overall male and female finishers. $50 each to the first male & female Masters (40 to 49) winners, $50 each to the first male & female Seniors (50 to 59) and $50 to first male & female Veterans (60 & over). And $50 to each Clydesdale/Filly Division winner (Men who weigh over 200 lbs and women who weigh over 140 lbs). An additional $30 to anyone who breaks any of the course records listed below. Medals to the top five boys and top five girls in the Kids K. In the 5K medals will be given to the top three finishers in the following male and female age groups: 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79 & 80 plus. Also medals will be given to the top three winners in each of four Clydesdale/Filly Divisions. Men weighing 200 lbs and greater, under/over 40 years old & women weighing 140 lbs and greater, under/over 40. No duplications except for course record bonus and it is limited to the fastest time in the event more than one runner breaks a record.
MEN OPEN - Justin Chaston 14:15 // WOMEN OPEN - Judy Hawkins 16:44 // MEN MASTER - Keith Dowland 15:47 // WOMEN MASTERS - Sherrie Keim 18:25 // MEN SENIOR - William Martin 17:24 // WOMEN SENIOR - Cathy Buchanan 19:57 // MENS VETERAN - Ben Harvie 19:49 // WOMEN VETERAN - Sabra Harvey 19:22 // CLYDESDALE - Ken Yanowski 16:43 // FILLY - Kristin Bartiss 19:57
DRAWING: For valuable prizes will be held after the race. Top prize is a live heifer calf or $600. Second prize is 20 bales of coastal bermuda hay or $100. Must be present to win. T-Shirts will be given to all entrants. Refreshments with local flavor are provided.
The Polish Pickle Run Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Just since January, 2021, it has made donations totaling over $14,000 to local groups and individuals. Included in that amount are scholarships totaling $3500 awarded to Bremond High School Seniors (most recipients have been volunteer workers for the Run). Among others receiving donations are the Bremond Back to School Rally, Bremond Public Library, Trucking for Toys, Robertson County Youth Fair Art Show, Bremond Little Dribblers, Rafter Cross Youth of the Common Ground Cowboy Church and the Bremond Chamber of Commerce Polish Day Sponsor Fund.